Our cutting-edge lipodissolve treatments offer a non-surgical, non-invasive solution to target those trouble areas that have been holding you back. Say goodbye to unwanted love handles, muffin tops, or double chins, and hello to a more contoured, sculpted you.
Mesotherapy is a nonsurgical, permanent method of ridding unwanted fat and contouring the body. Mesotherapy is given by numerous fine needle injections of FDA approved deoxycholic acid, minerals, enzymes and vitamins into the middle layer of the skin. This process of break-in down fat is called lipolysis. Common areas treated include: Upper and lower abdomen, Thighs, Upper Arms, Bra-line Rolls, Love Handles, Saddlebags, Double chins, and Residual fat deposits post- liposuction. Three sessions are recommended to see maximum results.
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